Brain Recovery From Alcohol in Sobriety

Brain Recovery From Alcohol in Sobriety

Good news: brain recovery from alcohol is possible. However, this recovery will differ significantly from person to person. We’re going to look at how alcohol affects the brain, the recovery process, and rehab that’s available in Costa Mesa.

The impacts of alcohol on the body can be life-altering for many people. While people are abusing alcohol, they may not realize all of the consequences. One of the significant effects can be on the brain. Excessive and long-term alcohol abuse can lead to long-lasting effects on the brain. Fortunately, getting help and staying sober offer a path for many people to heal from alcohol’s damage to the brain. 

How Does Alcohol Affect the Brain?

Alcohol takes its toll on the brain and can interfere with its communication pathways and how the brain processes information. 

When the body takes in more alcohol than it can handle, the effects can be noticed even after just one or two drinks in some people.1 These include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Slurred speech
  • Drowsiness
  • Impaired memory

A person who drinks heavily over a long period will have more severe effects that can last well after sobriety. But, this will differ from person to person and depend on several factors like: 1

  • How long the person has been drinking
  • How much and how often a person drinks
  • General health
  • The age that they started drinking

The serious consequences of long-term alcohol use and alcohol substance disorder include persistent changes in the brain. Thiamine deficiency is one common problem in people with an alcohol use disorder.1 Also known as vitamin B1, all tissues, including the brain, require thiamine. It’s estimated that as many as 80 percent of people with an alcohol use disorder have a thiamine deficiency.1

Some go on to develop severe brain disorders such as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. The symptoms include mental confusion and nerve paralysis. Ongoing learning and memory problems can also be an effect of this syndrome. Brain damage can also result from an alcohol use disorder when the body has consumed too much alcohol over time2.

The frontal lobe of the brain is most likely to be damaged by a substance abuse disorder. This is the part of the brain that’s responsible for thinking logically and the ability to control behavior. The cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls and coordinates muscle movement, is also affected.3

Brain Recovery From Alcohol

When talking about brain recovery from alcohol, it’s important to note how important sobriety is to reverse some damage. One study found that not drinking for just two weeks can reverse brain damage caused by chronic drinking.4 The study also showed an increase in motor skills in people who stopped drinking for an extended time.

A person’s brain recovery from alcohol can be impacted by several factors.5 If any of these are present, brain recovery from alcohol can be lessened or delayed:

It’s essential to keep those factors in mind when recovering from a substance abuse disorder.

Multiple studies have discovered that while some brain functions can come back during sobriety, other functions may not come back at all or decrease their capacity. This includes functions relating to divided attention, planning, and emotional face recognition.5 Delays to these brain functions may still occur even after the individual is no longer drinking and in recovery. Even when and if they return, they may never be like they were before the person started drinking.

Research has also found that sobriety of even four to five weeks can help to promote new cell growth in the brain’s hippocampus. 6 Researchers encourage people not to bombard those in alcohol addiction treatment programs with too much information early on because it can negatively impact the effectiveness of treatment programs.

Alcohol Rehab in Costa Mesa

If you’re looking for alcohol rehab in Costa Mesa, consider Clear Life Recovery. Our experienced, compassionate team can customize a treatment plan to help you achieve sobriety. We understand that everyone’s alcohol use disorder is different; therefore, the treatment program needs to be different.

We will fully support our recovery and guide you towards a sober life that allows your body to heal. Our treatment programs incorporate detox, a variety of therapy treatments, and teaching clients how to live a sober life. We host all of our treatment programs in beautiful and relaxing Costa Mesa. The backdrop provides serenity as our clients learn to battle their substance abuse disorder.

For more information on alcohol rehab at Clear Life Recovery, call us or reach us online. Let us help you start your path to sobriety.







