Dangers of Waiting to Hit Rock Bottom: Reach Out For Help at a California Drug Rehab

Dangers of Waiting to Hit Rock Bottom: Reach Out For Help at a California Drug Rehab

Addiction is a disease that can hit anyone. It causes destruction, especially when it is not treated. Many people do not force their loved ones to get help for substance abuse. Unfortunately, they believe in the myth that a person must hit rock bottom to benefit from a California drug rehab. Many times rock bottom can be fatal. When a death occurs, it is too late. A person must seek help as soon as possible. Waiting elongates treatment and causes addiction to worsen.

What Can a Loved One Do?

If you watch someone struggle with drug or alcohol addiction, you must realize the importance of intervention. You have the responsibility to help your loved one get treatment. Medical professionals express the need to handle addiction as early as possible.

The Need to Intervene Before a Person Has Hit Rock Bottom

When a person waits a long time to get sober, negative effects may occur. Extreme damage happens to the person struggling with substance abuse and to his or her loved ones. Oftentimes, relationship turmoil results from substance abuse. However, it is never too late to get help.

Reasons to Seek Quality Treatment

As time goes on, the rate of drug-related deaths is skyrocketing. In 2019, approximately 70,000 overdose deaths occurred in this country. [1] This is due to the increased potency of drugs. Many young people believe that addiction is acceptable during the early years of life and that sobriety can come later. However, many individuals never get to see the day of recovery. When a person continues to abuse drugs or alcohol, overdose is likely. Overdose can be fatal.

What Rock Bottom Means

Every person defines rock bottom differently. In severe cases, a person loses everything. However, homelessness does not have to be the lowest point. Here are the most common attributes associated with when you see someone hit rock bottom.

Destroyed Relationships.

When an individual’s substance abuse becomes overbearing, it takes a toll on personal relationships. For example, a spouse calls it quits, best friends leave, or family members stop visiting. If addiction goes untreated for long periods of time, a person will lose a variety of relationships.

Poor Finances.

Addiction costs a fortune to maintain. Bank accounts become drained to support the use of alcohol and drugs. When addiction is at its worst, a person can lose his or her job. Important bills start going unpaid.

Lost Valuables.

When a person can’t afford his or her drug use, valuables are sold or taken away. For example, cars, jewelry, and property become lost.

Criminal Behavior.

A user becomes desperate to fund his or her drug use. He or she does anything to get money for drugs or alcohol. Many times, a person turns to criminal behavior for quick money. When this continues over lengthy periods, incarceration is possible.


For sure, death is the worst rock bottom result. Many users face this sad reality. The high number of drug-related deaths are testaments to this fact.

Ways to Offer Inspiration to Those Who Need Help

When you realize that hitting rock bottom is dangerous, you must protect your loved ones and offer inspiration that can lead to help. For example, you should stop enabling the behavior of your loved one. You must stop providing money and housing. You must also confront him or her and explain your concerns. You should not treat your loved one as a victim. It would be best if you were prepared to talk about entering a treatment program as well.

Consider Clear Life Recovery

Clear Life Recovery is a California drug rehab facility that provides treatment services to individuals who wish to get sober. We understand that reaching out for help is not easy, but we make it simple to enter our facility and take advantage of our therapies.

If you have a loved one who needs assistance, don’t let him or her hit rock bottom. You must keep them safe. Once a person comprehends the consequences of his or her actions, help is available. For more information, contact us today.



[1] https://www.drugabuse.gov/drug-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates