Overcome The Stigma Surrounding Addiction: You Are More Than Your Addiction

Overcome The Stigma Surrounding Addiction: You Are More Than Your Addiction

When you’re struggling with addiction, you’re struggling with so much more than the physical aspects of the substances. You’re also struggling in your relationships, in your work environments, and even with yourself. In fact, some of the worst struggles you might face come from the stigmas that others place on you or you place upon yourself. That’s why it’s vital that you choose options that help you overcome the stigma surrounding addiction, so you have the best chance of long-term recovery.

Is There Really Stigma Surrounding Addiction?

The reality of addiction is that it’s not just a physical addiction to something. There’s far more involved with addiction and recovery. That often begins with the societal stigmas people have about substance abuse.

It’s not a secret that terms like ‘junkie’ or ‘stoner’ have negative connotations. Nor is it any surprise that society often views those with substance abuse addictions as weaker or less than. There is a saying about walking in one’s shoes before making judgments, but when it comes to addiction, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Many assume that overcoming addiction is as easy as waking up one morning and deciding to no longer misuse or abuse a substance. If only it was that easy!

There are stigmas about what a person with an addiction looks like, dresses like, speaks like, and lives like. There are stigmas that those who are addicted to substances are so because they want to be; that they’d rather sit around and shoot up or drink excessively instead of going to work. In fact, a Johns Hopkins study found that 62% of people surveyed would be willing to work with someone who had a diagnosed mental illness, while only 22% of those surveyed said they would be willing to work with someone with a drug problem.[1] Colleen L. Barry was the study leader. She said that based on their research, even though addiction and mental illness were both treatable, chronic health conditions, the American public more likely found addiction as a moral failing than it did a medical condition.

And therein is the problem. The stigmas surrounding those with addictions are not just untrue, they’re damning. More frustratingly, they make it hard for you to even want to seek the help you need.

Is The Stigma As Dangerous As The Addiction?

When you’re already ashamed and embarrassed about how your addiction has changed your life, the added societal stigmas make you less inclined to get help to recover. Dealing with societal stigma may make you feel like hiding your addiction. The additional secrecy and shame you may feel can lend itself to you worsening your addiction or even overdosing because the embarrassment of the stigmas drives you to misuse even more.

A National Survey On Drug Use and Health found that barely 10% of people who need help recovering from substance abuse treatment seek it.[2] That means 90% of those who could desperately use the help don’t get it. A lot of that is because of societal shame and stigma on addiction and treatment.

Dismissive words and moral judgments are simply ignorant about the understanding of addiction and disease. Clear Life Recovery doesn’t want you to suffer the stigma another minute. We don’t want the stigma to be as dangerous to you as your addiction.

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Overcome The Stigma Around Addiction: Clear Life Recovery Cares

The most important thing you need to do to overcome the stigma surrounding addiction is to believe in yourself. Believe that you’re worth fighting for and that no stigma or addiction can define you. When you reach out to us at Clear Life, we envelop you in a caring and compassionate environment. We are committed to your healing and ridding yourself of all shame and embarrassment that may be weighing you down. Our healthy lifestyle and holistic treatment options include multiple forms of therapy and detox. We provide an environment that allows you to grow physically and mentally. Our compassionate and experienced staff know what you need to help you get yourself back again, and will walk with you every step.

Don’t let the loud noise of the world fool you into believing you are less than. You are so much more than your addiction, and Clear Life Recovery is ready to help you remember that and grow in who you were meant to be. Contact us today if you’re ready to overcome the stigmas and reclaim your life.



[1] https://hub.jhu.edu/2014/10/01/drug-addiction-stigma/

[2] https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/report_2716/ShortReport-2716.html